Die versunkene Flotte 1929


During the WWI Battle of Jutland in ,2 navy commanders from England and Germany who had been friends line up against each other.The German commander's wife becomes involved with a subordinate officer and later with the English com...

Tous les titres
  • DE: Die versunkene Flotte Die versunkene Flotte
  • BR: A Batalha da Jutlandia A Batalha da Jutlandia
  • DK: Højsøflaadens Helte Højsøflaadens Helte
  • FR: La grande parade de la flotte La grande parade de la flotte
  • DE: Die Schlacht am Skagerrak Die Schlacht am Skagerrak
  • DE: Die versunkene Flotte Die versunkene Flotte
  • HU: Az elsüllyedt flotta Az elsüllyedt flotta
  • ES: La escuadra hundida La escuadra hundida
  • UA: When Fleet Meets Fleet: A Romance of the Great Battle of Jutland When Fleet Meets Fleet: A Romance of the Great Battle of Jutland
  • US: Wrath of the Seas Wrath of the Seas
Date de sortie 27 Oct 1929
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