Shi ba yu luo han 1978

Action Mystery

Two wandering strangers cross paths in a mysterious town, just around the time of the death of a local. The dubious death of the unbeaten expert creates a cryptic trail into his murder, as well as suspicion over the strangers' arr...

Tous les titres
  • HK: Shi ba yu luo han Shi ba yu luo han
  • CA: The 18 Jade Arhats The 18 Jade Arhats
  • FR: Le secret mortel des 18 jades Le secret mortel des 18 jades
  • DE: Die 18 Jadekrallen der Shaolin Die 18 Jadekrallen der Shaolin
  • HK: Sap bat yuk law hon Sap bat yuk law hon
  • HK: Eighteen Claws of Shaolin Eighteen Claws of Shaolin
  • IT: Bruce Lee - The Flying Dragon Bruce Lee - The Flying Dragon
  • IT: Il segreto mortale delle 18 giade Il segreto mortale delle 18 giade
  • UA: The Eighteen Jade Arhats The Eighteen Jade Arhats
  • US: The Eighteen Jade Pearls The Eighteen Jade Pearls
  • US: Jaws of the Black Dragon Jaws of the Black Dragon
  • US: The Eighteen Jade Arhats The Eighteen Jade Arhats
  • DE: Die 18 Jadekrallen der Shaolin Die 18 Jadekrallen der Shaolin
  • HK: The Eighteen Jade Arhats The Eighteen Jade Arhats
Date de sortie 02 Nov 1978
Lien IMDb
